“The world of nature speaks directly to the human heart.”
— Tarthang Tulku
About the project
In her early twenties, herbalist Deb Soule volunteered for a domestic violence hotline. This experience expanded her understanding of domestic violence, sexism, and misogyny. In her first book, Healing Herbs for Women: A Guide to Natural Remedies, she included herbal formulas for supporting a woman who is healing from an abusive experience or who has abuse memories resurfacing. Herbs and flowers work well alongside other healing modalities in supporting a person’s journey to wholeness.
When Deb learned about the work of V (formerly Eve Ensler) in the Congo Region to assist women who have been raped and violated, she asked, “How can I be of help?” The answer was to “grow a row of calendula.”
Calendula is a remarkable herb for healing wounds and traumatized tissue and for filling the body and spirit with vitality and light.
Used as an oil or salve, calendula repairs many kinds of wounds, soothes inflamed or infected vaginal tissue and herpes and shingles sores (combined with St. John’s Wort oil), and lessens scarring. Calendula oil eases tender breast tissue and sore, cracked nipples. As a tea, its brightly-colored flowers assist in the easing of both physical and emotional pain. Calendula embodies the warmth of the Sun, gently supporting the lining of the gut and the health of the liver and the lymphatic system. Learn more about calendula’s beneficial properties and about its origins.
The Grow a Row project is a grassroots initiative. Our vision for this project is as follows:
Anyone who has a small or large organic garden can “grow a row” of calendula, collect the flowers regularly, and dry them. Store the dried flowers in a glass jar in a cupboard
or in a clean brown paper bag.
Contact your local or county organization that serves women and children who have experienced abuse. Tell a staff person about the Grow a Row project and your wish to donate dried flowers for tea or healing baths or to donate calendula oil or salve that you make from your flowers. Print off and give information to the staff about the Grow a Row project and include an educational sheet (available on this website) about calendula and its healing benefits. This exchange builds community among people and plants. If you are not located near an organization that is interested in giving calendula to their clients, then you may contact the Grow a Row Project through our contact form and we can give you the names of organizations that you can contact.
Our hope is that this grassroots initiative will encourage people to grow and dry calendula, and will create more dialogue, community support, and understanding of the root causes of violence and oppression within families, schools, healthcare systems, and government agencies.
Planting seeds and sharing herbs is a way to bring about positive change.